Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I am thinking today 3/16/2011

Some random thoughts on my random thoughts for 3/16/2011:

  1. With the current situation in Japan, any help that you can give to Japan is greatly needed, we must reconsider our own status concerning Nuclear Power and other Power Sources.  Also, I'm wondering what effect will a possible radiation leak do to food plants. 
  2. With the current Internal Political Situation, we are finding out that the GOP is the party for the people of the top 2 % of income and Big Corporations, in other words, anybody or anything who is willing to pay for their services and not for the People of the US.  We can't keep electing people to office who are against Government to serve us in Government.  They have an interest to see Government fail.
  3. How come the Tea Party continues to support people and policies which are working against their own interests?
  4. And finally, we may be seeing in the Middle East, the beginning of a Democratic Movement and what can we do about it?  Help when we are asked to, but don't interfere if we are not asked.  And then quickly support the New Governments and quietly support their Democratic Development.